God wants you to know ...

On this day of your life, Hazel, we believe God wants you to know ... that recession is also a time of great opportunity.

Time and time again success has its roots in failure, because failure knocks you down from top of the hill so you can then climb a mountain. Yes it's unsettling, yes it's scary. But this can be your greatest opportunity in life, - if you choose it. The recession has cleared the space of clutter, - think what have you always wanted to do but brushed aside from the top of your hill? Now is the time...

- yeah...why this application always applicable on my situations... :)


"People make mistakes.
It's given.
Now, it's up to us
what are we gonna do
with that fact.
Either we moved
yourself to that thing
that you can't change anymore."

- from a dear friend. thank you so much :)