I NEED A SPORT, BADLY! a CHEAP sport. something that will unimproved my "Lampa". Shoot! my stamina is not good. I easily get tired! (Gosh! i'm 23, so young! should be strong!) and then I decided.
Well, actually last year, 10-10-10 (my birthday), out of nowhere (just for fun) I joined MILO MARATHON @ our town. Something different for my birthday. Tee Hee! (Ryan Higa!?!) I walked rather I mean I ran (ehem!) for 5 k, haha! Well I actually finished it, yet, Result = Body ache!!!
Now, inspired by my cousins who enjoy running namely ORANGE CORTEZ and LEO ANGELO BRIONES. I decided to try. Problem: NO RUNNING SHOES!aish! for my just recent of my termination, I was really confused if I will buy running shoes.
And then I saw this NEON GREEN FILA running shoes! I love the color! My fave! Gosh I want that! In the end I decided to bought it! Yipee! BAD NEWS: NO size for me! SHOOT! amp!!! in the end, I bought the orange one. Oh, I forgot! reason I bought it??? It is SALE! Yes FILA is sale!!!! bought it for 1500 pesoses! still expensive but it is already cheap for a good quality! Teehee!!!
I started running Saturday with Briones-Cortez La Familia. They always jog at weekends. Our route??? Sampaloc Lake :) Town's fave place to jog. 3.8K for jogging. Ok, good luck for me hihihi! many people jog or run at this place. I was happy seeing elderly people running. They really got strong staminas! me??? I'm ashamed of my self hahaha!!! Well anyway it is my first time. I have to train to Red Cross Fund Run if I will join (which I did not). hehe. That Saturday has been really fun. Especially with my niece, Tenten,who wants to jog also. haha!!! all the dalagas! :)
Next day? body ache! weew! need to survive! so i was jogging at Sampaloc Lake with my brother. Well, not regularly due to the weather. And now, I was really looking forward to jog again! I love jogging at the lake! fresh air! well it is really a good place to be commercialize in a way it still looks naturally :) This sport I really hope I'll pursue as always heheh! good luck to me! Teehee!!!
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